Innovative Advocacy
With offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn, Gottlieb & Wang LLP is dedicated to advocating for education and disability rights. On the education front, we assist families in securing appropriate education for their children. Our firm handles all aspects of matters related to educational accommodations, including tuition reimbursement and prospective funding for private school placements; claims for pendency, services, and compensatory education; school disciplinary matters and associated suspension hearings; transportation; and associated appeals in state and federal court.
We also have particular expertise in disability law and discrimination suits, especially in the post-secondary and employment spheres, because the systemic issues that exist in public education unfortunately do not end there. When you retain Gottlieb & Wang LLP, you can rest assured that you have a team that is capable of supporting your children through their schooling years and beyond.
What’s more, Gottlieb & Wang LLP will do more than just advocate on your behalf; we are also dedicated to helping you become a self-advocate in your fight to assert your and your children’s rights. We are selective about the cases we take on because we commit wholly to each and every one of our clients and their families. Despite our big-firm acumen and experience, we consciously choose to work in a close-knit environment, where we can stay flexible and customize our legal services to each client’s specific needs. Currently undefeated, we take pride in the knowledge that our reputation for peerless service and dedication matches our reputation for best-in-class results.
For more, get in touch with us to set up a consultation or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to determine how best we can serve you.
“We deal here with the right of all of our children … to an equal start in life and to an equal opportunity to reach their full potential as citizens.
“Those … who have been denied that right in the past deserve better than to see fences thrown up to deny them that right in the future.”
- Thurgood Marshall

We offer a range of services such as tuition reimbursement, enhanced rate related services claims, independent educational evaluations, and standardized testing advocacy, as well as discrimination litigation and state and federal appeals. To read more about our expertise, please visit our Services page.
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