Beautiful Country Debuts in Paperback

I'm very happy to announce that Qian Julie's paperback for a Beautiful Country is now in stores everywhere. To commemorate this milestone, Qian Julie had a beautiful event on September 27th with Pearl River Mart, where they served food from local Asian-American restaurants and food entrepreneurs. At the event, Qian Julie was interviewed by Joanne Kwong, Pearl River’s president and an attorney herself, about the book and about Qian Julie's experiences since publication.

There isn't really much that I can add to the praise of Beautiful Country that hasn't already been said by other, more impressive figures and outlets — it is a New York Times notable book of the year and one of Barack Obama's favorite books of 2021.

I guess all that’s left for me to say is that I look forward to reading Qian Julie’s next book!

Marc Gottlieb

195 Montague Street
14th Floor
Brooklyn Heights, NY, 11201
(646) 820-8506