How Christine Ford Can Teach Us to Thrive Under Cross-Examination

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is an honest-to-goodness hero. On September 27, 2018, Ford, a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a researcher at Stanford, stood her ground in the face of hostile questioning from Rachel Mitchell (acting at the behest of Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee) and served as a model example for parents who are in court proceedings with a school district or the Department of Education (DOE).

What did Dr. Ford do right?

Cross-examinations are all about head games. The other side’s attorney will try their hardest to mess with your concentration and confidence, and focus on minutiae (like whether or not you’re afraid to fly) because they know that every second wasted on that stuff is another second that you are not discussing the realities they don’t want to face; here, your child’s right to an appropriate education. Let’s take a look at some of the other things Dr. Ford did yesterday that left such a positive impression:

  • Dr. Ford answered questions directly and succinctly, providing additional detail only where necessary to highlight the reality of her experience.

  • Dr. Ford resisted the urge to respond to numerous provocative statements and generally did not speak until it was her turn.

  • She did not offer any extraneous information or speculation.

  • She maintained a pleasant demeanor in the face of hostile questioning and saccharine sympathy.

  • Dr. Ford showed that she had emotions, but did not let those emotions take over.

Christine Blasey Ford emerged from the hearing having made her mark on American history; she will surely be remembered as a paragon of grace under fire. Not everyone can be as polished as Dr. Ford, especially when it comes to matters of their child’s future.

That, as you may expect, is where I believe the role of an experienced attorney comes into play. We know how to speak the language of school districts and the DOE. We can anticipate what the other side’s next move will be based on experience and knowledge of the law. And we can prepare you for your cross-examination so that you can channel Dr. Ford on the witness stand.

Marc Gottlieb

195 Montague Street
14th Floor
Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201
(646) 820-8506