Posts tagged Attorney
Advocacy in Practice: Silence is Golden

It’s impossible to know what sorts of personalities are going to be involved in an impartial hearing. As a litigator, my job is to get the judge on my side and then, frankly, shut up. Recently I made a hearing appearance where I did just that — and then witnessed an interesting clash of personalities between the hearing officer and another attorney who hadn’t yet learned this invaluable lesson.

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How Christine Ford Can Teach Us to Thrive Under Cross-Examination

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is an honest-to-goodness hero. On September 27, 2018, Ford, a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a researcher at Stanford, stood her ground in the face of hostile questioning from Rachel Mitchell (acting at the behest of Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee) and served as a model example for parents who are in court proceedings with a school district or the Department of Education (DOE).

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